My paradise
When life comes to a standstill
And everything starts to go down the hill
I look up at the skies
and think of a place I call paradise
When there is uncertainty staring me in the face
And I can't keep up with the life's pace
All I have to do is close my eyes
and think of a place I call paradise
Everytime I need my feelings to vent
and I can't find a friend to confide,
it acts as a balm on my emotional dent
and I find solace in my paradise
Umpteenth times it has helped me heal
Everytime it has restored my zeal
The love and warmth can cure any vice
Oh! I so look forward to visiting my paradise
I would like to make one last confession
that it is my most precious possession
and I know I will always be welcome
at the paradise that is my parental home
As you would be able to tell I am not a poet. But I am so elated at the thought of visiting home next week that I had to pen my feelings.
rather impressive .... good show nidhi
good one Nidhi...
very nice... sounds very sincere and true :)
Home they say is where the heart is. And a very touching poem as well. Nice thoughts!!
Who says u r not a poet. It is well written in very simple and easy to understand language and the thoughts conveyed seems to be frank and emantes from the core of onc's heart.
I feel that no institution can impart the skill to write poems. It is perhaps God given.You seems to be blessed with this skill. Keep writing such poems.
I am going to copy this poem and with few changes( In place of'home' I will substitute'sister') convey the feelings to my sister to whom I feel deeply attached
with good wishes,
Good one !!!
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